From our formal missions, FIE has devised specific and Articulated Values values which underpin and motivate all aspects of our organization. 


 Sustainability PANTONE 7480  Social Justice PANTONE 247  Diversity Inclusivity PANTONE 2727
 Commitment to the Environment 


 Ethics & Human Rights

Social & Cultural Reflection & Action 

Knowledge & Inclusivity 
  • Active engagement with environmental impact.
  • Addressing issues of sustainability and applying initiatives.
  • Recognition of issues of social justice at global and national levels.
  • Awareness of ethical implications of personal choice and governmental action.
  • A heightened awareness of civic and social responsibilities at local and global levels.
  • Developing our understanding, appreciation of and empathy towards diverse cultures and identities.
  • A continued engagement in cross-cultural and multicultural communication.
  • A recognition of the social, cultural, and historical context of knowledge, and of knowledge as socially and culturally constructed and maintained.
  • An understanding of the potential for the contribution of non-dominant groups and recognition of their role, power, and privilege, within fields of study.


FIE’s courses reflect an engagement with its values of inclusivity, ethics and human rights, social and cultural engagement, and sustainability.

For information on how each of FIE’s courses maps to these values, please see Charting the Course