Unless otherwise specified by their home institution, most students in London enroll in one of our Key Courses, which analyze British life through a particular lens (Business, Culture, Europe, or Visual Media). In these courses, students contextualize their experience in London.

Students participating in the Study & Internship or Study & Service Internship programs will be enrolled in a corresponding Experiential Education Course.

Also included on this page:

Depending on the program, students may also choose Elective Courses in the topics below. *Courses offered are subject to change by term based on academic programming needs, student enrollment, and faculty availability.

✔ Indicates course is available

Indicates the course is also available for Spring Quarter

Key Courses

Course NameFall & Spring SemestersFall & Winter QuartersSyllabus

British Life and Business

  Reader red

British Life and Cultures

  Reader red

British Life and Europe

  Reader red

British Life and Visual Media

Reader red



Course NameFall & Spring SemestersFall & Winter QuartersSyllabus

International Internship Course

  Reader red

International Service Internship Course

  Reader red
FIE Online International Internship Course   Reader red





Course NameFall & Spring SemestersFall & Winter QuartersSyllabus

Contemporary British Theatre

* There is a compulsory lab fee of £90 for this course

Reader red

Harry Potter: Magic, Myth & Meaning

* This course requires that you have read all the books in the Harry Potter series

Reader red

History of Modern Design

Reader red

Literary London: Reading the Restless City

  Reader red

Music in 20th Century Britain

Reader red

Photojournalism: London through the Lens

* A camera is required for this course (not just a phone camera) – more details here.

Reader red

Realism in British Cinema

Reader red

Shakespeare and Elizabethan Literature

Reader red

The Nature of Story: Creative Writing

  Reader red

Travel Writing

Reader red

Understanding Art Through London’s Collections

Reader red



Course NameFall & Spring SemestersFall & Winter QuartersSyllabus

British Politics

Reader red

‘Cash, Money, Records Forever’: An Introduction to the Business Practices of the Evolving British Music Industry

Reader red

Contemporary British Broadcasting

Reader red

Food, Society, and Culture in Britain: From Traditional Tastes to Contemporary Concerns

* There is a compulsory lab fee of £90 for this course

Reader red

Harry Potter: Magic, Myth & Meaning

* This course requires that you have read all the books in the Harry Potter series

Reader red

Media in Britain

Reader red

Photojournalism: London through the Lens

* A camera is required for this course (not just a phone camera) – more details here.

Reader red

Pride and Prejudice: LGBTQ Histories, Rights and Contemporary Issues in London

Reader red

Sustainable Cities: London in the Era of Climate Change

Reader red

Understanding Art Through London’s Collections

Reader red







Course NameFall & Spring SemestersFall & Winter QuartersSyllabus
Economics of Health Care* Available in the summer only     Reader red

Genetics in Nursing and Healthcare

Reader red

Health Care Ethics

Reader red

Health Care Policy


Reader red





Course NameFall & Spring SemestersFall & Winter QuartersSyllabus

Diversity in Britain: Immigration, Discrimination, and Integration

Reader red

Ethical Leadership

* There is a compulsory lab fee of £90 for this course for Spring Semester; this covers your participation in the SGLC



Reader red Reader red

Fall   Spring

Food, Society, and Culture in Britain: From Traditional Tastes to Contemporary Concerns

* There is a compulsory lab fee of £90 for this course

Reader red

International Diplomacy: Issues, Conventions, and Practices

Reader red

Pride and Prejudice: LGBTQ Histories, Rights and Contemporary Issues in London

Reader red

Social Psychology in a Global Context

Reader red

Social Welfare Issues in the UK


✔ (Spring Quarter Only)

Reader red

Sport in British Society

Reader red

Sustainable Cities: London in the Era of Climate Change

Reader red

Understanding Civilizations: Islam and the West

Reader red







FIE’s courses reflect an engagement with its values of inclusivity, ethics and human rights, social and cultural engagement, and sustainability. For information on how each of FIE’s courses maps to these values, please see Charting the Course


FIE periodically conducts both internal and external reviews to focus our quality assurance efforts.FIE is pleased to announce that over the last few years, we have been successful in achieving recognition from the British Accreditation Council and the Quality Assurance Agency in regards to our academic provision. In addition, we continue to work closely with the Forum on Education Abroad and to grow our Academic Advisory Council. Please visit our Quality Assurance page for more information. 

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